Thursday, October 2, 2008

Eight Things to Consider Before Joining a Home Business

By Kelly Araneda

With all the hype and unbelievable claims out there, it's tough to know if there really are any legitimate home businesses that actually produce the results they say they can. Nobody wants to feel like a "sucker" and get into something that turns out to be nothing more than a scam.

So, here are just a few things you'll want to consider when choosing a home business. Over my years in this industry, I have come to learn that these things are really most important when deciding if a company is really worth your time and effort.

First, you want to make sure that you're dealing with honest, ethical, and capable people. You may have the best idea and the best business plan, but if it is poorly executed or mismanaged, then your idea will never truly manifest.

Second, it needs to be a REAL business. There are lots of online 'programs' out there where you can shuffle money around in various ways that are supposedly "legal", but I would strongly encourage you not to get involved with those. Any program that promotes itself as being "safe and legal" may not have a legitimate business behind it.

You need real products and services that provide real value to the marketplace and have a proven success record.

Third, along those same lines, you need a business that is customer driven, not distributor driven. A business that is built solely around acquiring distributors that are required to buy product to earn commissions is very weak and will not last long term. It's
true customers that make any business thrive.

Fourth, you need an effective marketing plan. Even Wal-Mart would fizzle away if nobody knew about it! And these days, home business owners want an alternative to the "old school" MLM models that have so many of you absolutely burned out on home business. If you're sick and tired of haggling your friends and family to buy your pills or join your business, then you may find this opportunity extremely refreshing indeed!

Fifth, it needs to be "McDonalds-easy" for the average person. In other words, the average Joe, with no real experience or skills set, should be able to plug in and be successful almost immediately. If you need lots of money, extensive training, or a life's worth of related experience to do well, then the business is not going to be appropriate for the average opportunity seeker, and will only benefit a very select few. You want a business that is plug-and-go ready for the masses, complete with corporate help and support right from day one.

Sixth, you need solid infrastructure to support massive growth. Many companies fail because they simply cannot handle growth fast enough to satisfy the customer base, and as a result end up collapsing under their own weight. Check to see if the company you are considering is equipped with shipping and fulfillment centers that are large enough to handle both present and future growth. You also want to make sure that the inner workings of the company includes solid manufacturing processes, reliable sources for product ingredients, and a solid financial profile.

Seventh, the compensation plan needs to provide for upfront cash flow so that you can get yourself in profit as quickly as possible. But it also needs to provide that all important back end residual so you can eventually step back to fulfill your dreams and enjoy life.

And finally, the eighth thing to consider as you join a business is this: Does the company give back? Do they use their successful business to propel others into success as well? Do they benefit the community or world at large? And do they allow you to be a part of it?

Remember, what goes around comes around. A company that is out there doing good for others, is not only improving life for all of us, but is also more likely to see continued success.


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