Saturday, October 18, 2008

How Do You Advertise a Home Based Business?

By Ian Pennington

One of the main ways that people make money with home based businesses is by recruiting other people into the same business. So it makes sense than that it is very important to know how to advertise a home based business. This might even be one of the most important things that you can do depending on the business that you are in.

Here are a few ideas that although you have probably heard of before still work and can yield great results:

1. Classified Ads
Not only can you now find great free classified ads to post on but can also find some still very inexpensive local newspaper ads to advertise your opportunity in as well. You can also find free classified ads online that will also give you the option of placing that same ad in that local paper at a good savings.

2. Website Advertisement.
If you have a website that you can promote or if you can get one this is a great way to recruit people. This is also something that you can implement into your classified ads as well. A good website with a good presentation video is always a good idea for any business that wants to recruit new people.

3. Snail Mail Advertising.
A lot of people think that advertising through the mail is old and dead but it is far from the truth and is a great answer to how to advertise a home based business. A good catchy postcard or ad will attract the attention of the recipient. Plus now a days you can even find companies that will design, print, and mail your postcards all at the same time. This can save you time and money.

4. Hot Cards.
These are business sized cards that are usually flashy in some way. Printed on brightly colored paper for instance or might have a shiny metallic picture on the front. This draws peoples attention to it so they will pick it up to look at it. Leave these at laundry mats, salons, libraries and college campuses. You can also send one of these back in your envelope that your monthly bills come in it along with your payment.

These are all good ways on how to advertise a home based business. There are a lot more out there however. There are also many companies out there that can help you with this if you really don't have the time to do all of this yourself. You can even hire companies in most places that will go around and pass out fliers for you. This is also a good way to promote your product or service.

Home based businesses are really taking the world by storm, with all of the families that are in need of a second job or are sick of working all the time and not seeing their families. These people are looking for a good home based business so remember that when you are trying to find them.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about how to advertise a home based business, please visit Online Home Business Today for current articles and discussions.

3 Facts About Earning Extra Income From Home

By Shawn L.

Do you want to earn extra income from home? With the help of internet, many people have fulfilled their dreams. In fact, there are many people out there who are making full-time income solely from the comfort of their home. If you want to live this kind of lifestyle, then internet business is what you are looking for.

So how can you make money using the internet? Very simple, if you are a newbie and you have no knowledge about internet marketing, it is the best if you can start with affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a business where you make money by referring other people to buy a merchant's product. It is a great and profitable business for both beginner and expert.

In order to earn extra income from home, you must first understand the facts about making money online...

1. Online business is not a get-rich-quick scheme. If you think that your internet business can make you an overnight millionaire, then you are having the wrong concept. Indeed that you can make big money, but it takes time and effort to build a strong and solid internet business.

2. Do not treat it like a hobby as it is not a hobby. Many people treat their online business like their hobby because they are their own boss and they can do it with their own ways. Chances are, if you do so, you will never create huge extra income from home. It is a real business, therefore, put in real effort and treat it seriously.

3. Stay focused and concentrates in only one business at one time. There are a lot of online business opportunities out there. You have to stay focused and keep your concentration in just one business at a time. Many people fail because they do not stay long enough in their online venture.

These are the 3 facts about earning extra income from home. Remember, making money online is not complicated, but it is not easy as well. As long as you are willing to learn and take action, nothing is impossible for you.

If you truly are serious and 100% committed in earning extra income from home, then this is what you must do now. Download your report now and discover how you can generate massive amounts of instant cash the easy and lazy way and on complete autopilot! Click here to download now.

You will learn how to make as much as $30,100.71 in just 2 weeks from other people's products without breaking a sweat. For more info, visit

Top 5 Home Businesses - Work From Home and Be Your Own Boss

By Wendy Pan

Working from home is the American dream. Being able to roll out of bed, grab a cup of coffee then sit down to work is what most people consider ideal, if not a luxury. Savings are made on gas, personal energy expenditures, lunches, and wardrobe when you are your own boss.
Sometimes, however, home businesses are not the answer for everyone. Many children, for example, running around and underfoot constantly can wreak havoc on the would-be entrepreneur. Making phone calls, typing letters, even researching on the internet can prove fruitless when children are calling for juice and fighting in the background.

Still, for those of us that persevere and insist on making this dream a reality that fits neatly into our lives, here are the top 5 home businesses.

eBay and other Auctions Selling:
Selling items, whether they are your own, or purchased at garage sales, flea markets or at discount department stores, have turned into big businesses for some on eBay, Craigslist and other auction sites. Buying items for pennies on the dollar and then turning around and making them available to an international market is an excellent way to make some money. You are not limited to buying the goods outright; you can also use a drop-shipping service or be the middleman between supplier and buyer. A lot of research as well as copywriting, marketing and customer service skills are necessary.

Yes, believe it or not, you can make money blogging. This can be done a number of ways, either by creating and publishing your own blog, with your own thoughts, ideas, etc and then selling advertising on your blog or selling blog articles to pre-existing blogs. Blog articles vary from other topic-interest articles in that they are more casual and reader-friendly. A blog is similar (but not completely so) to a diary or personal journal, so unique thoughts, ideas and judgments are more acceptable on blogs. The skills needed for blog writing include the ability to wander successfully through the social networking empire, web marketing, copywriting and affiliate marketing. A number of books exist on the topic of blogging.

Home Goods Manufacturing:
Another of the top 5 home businesses is arts and crafts selling. Do you make jewelry? Do you paint mailboxes? Use your talent to make you money on the Internet. The skills necessary for this are, of course, creativity and e-commerce. You can create your own online store by registering your own domain name and purchasing hosting for that domain name. You can also create your own store on eBay and many other auction sites. It is a good idea to take a class or two (if you are unfamiliar) with website design. A website is much like the presentation of a gift, it's very important in a person's first impression of your business.

Another idea is to provide your professional services to the general public. What can you do that others cannot? It might be freelance writing, illustrating, or programming. This is one of the top 5 home businesses that allows you to blend your talents, creativity and skills with bringing in income. It is customary for freelancers to bill at an hourly rate.

Virtual Assistant:
Becoming a virtual assistant is much like being a secretary; the benefit, of course, is the ability to work from home. Being a VA means to provide business and administrative support to other businesses who recruit your help. It is important to be organized, and to have excellent customer service and customer relation skills.

Any at home job will require discipline and organization. To be successful and rewarding, it is best to research your chosen line of work carefully, avoid scams, and most of all, enjoy it.
Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about
top 5 home businesses, please visit Part Time Home Business Ideas for current articles and discussions.

Work From Home Employment - Looking For a Work From Home Job?

By Mal Keenan

Are you tired of rummaging through the classifieds and all that is staring back at you are a collection of fonts that make no sense? Looking forward to the next job interview as much as eating drinking a chilli smoothie? This ends now.

Why should anyone subject themselves to dragging tired, bleary eyed to a work they don't want to do, meeting a boss that should be somewhere in the seventh rung of hell wielding a pitchfork?
Work from home employment is the light at the end of the tunnel. The internet has become the salvation of individuals tired of being chained to an office building - it is the liberation you will soon be experiencing.

Even the corporate world has packed some of their bags and set up tent in a corner of cyberspace. Low costs, lower difficulties and no lack of professionals in the virtual world willing to take up the challenge means more and more jobs appearing on the internet. Opportunity is floating around - all you have to do is grab it.

Don't believe me? Simply log on to a search engine and type in the magic words 'work from home,'. The virtual workforce now number in the hundreds of thousands and this good epidemic has crossed borders from developed countries all the way to third world countries. It is this mobility that I admire about the virtual workforce - all you need is an internet connection and a laptop. The world is your office, there are no boundaries.

Have a look at what you like to do and what your interests are. No matter how obscure, no matter how niche, there is always a demand for it on the internet. That is the beauty of the nature of the internet; it is representative of everything and anything. Do you like to cook? Have a secret recipe stashed somewhere you know would make great money?

There are thousands of people who broadcast or podcast their own online cooking shows and are being paid good money for it. If you ever wanted to be a journalist, third party news websites have been springing up all over the internet and they are in dire need of reporters and journalists. If you like to sniff out news and have a hand on the pulse of the world, then you can be a virtual news agent.

I have known teenagers, just mere kids who are making thousands of dollars of the internet composing and writing music from home and selling CD's online. It's really about capitalising on your talents and making it a commodity. Writers have found their golden chariot to fortune with cyberspace, with blogs, article marketing, e-zines, reviews - all forms of writing in demand and paying a good premium.

There are no lack of jobs on the internet. There are examples all over the world of people working online and making a decent and sometimes, a good fortune online. It's about time you stopped ignoring those examples and became one yourself. No interviews, no disappointments. Just action.

Click Here Now to download a FREE copy of Mal Keenan's 30 Page Work at Home Business Success Report, revealing Mal's personal steps to a Six Figure Online Income from Home. Discover How YOU Can Get There Too! For more home business tips and offers click below: Work at Home Ideas

3 Sure-Fire Ways to Make Extra Money at Home

By Joseph Lockey

The home has become a more fluid state of existence for everyone I know. One of the most important changes to the structure and function of the home is its ability to be converted, almost instantaneously, into an office where people from all walks of life can start earning a living with online and offline based jobs that require you to do no more than to sit at home and start working. Now, there are many ways to make money from home, some of them lucrative, some of them more of a past time for people to earn a bit of cash on the side. In any case, for those who are serious about it, I shall tell you about 3 sure-fire ways to make extra money at home.

Firstly, let us not look any further than the internet. The internet by itself is a turnkey to unlimited possibilities, and a lot of companies and corporations have used the internet to create a virtual wing within their office compounds, usually only having to establish one or several points of interaction to manage the homesourced virtual workers. Anything from critics, content production, writing, virtual call centres, concierges and even writing out and filling in transcripts and logs for a variety of industries, companies are paying top dollar to cut costs on the physical side and start hiring online. So you can be a virtual home office worker as well, without all the snaggles of stress, impossible deadlines and work you don't even want to do. Choose what you like and most of the time, the timetables and their flexibility depend entirely on you.

Direct marketing from home is also an excellent way to make extra money, and it also to some extent requires you to utilise your home desktop and a connection to the internet at any one point of time. Unless you are only going to do tele-sales direct marketing and ignore, website, digital fax, email etc, you are going to definitely need a connection to the internet. Oh, and try to heed some good advice here, every successful direct marketing manager will use ALL channels available to him/her to get their profits started on a good note. Get comfortable with your product knowledge and get quick on your feet - soon you will be managing the sales of many products/services and your revenue streams will eventually grow.

Trading online is also a good option for those wishing to passively make some money on the side from home. You have a choice here of stocks, the Forex market, commodities and online commodities (like widgets) which you can buy and sell and make a tidy sum if you know market trend, purchasing patterns and of course the elasticity of your product in the economic marketplace. Make a little or make a lot, the important thing here is that trading will always be driven by profits and people from home making thousands of dollars at home is not unheard of.
So there you go, 3 sure fire ways to make money at home, and simple enough for practically anyone to take advantage of.

Click Here to get Free Tips on how to create an online income for yourself. Joseph Lockey is a celebrated authority on Internet Marketing, providing valuable advice on the Best Affiliate Programs to start making money with.

Work From Home - 5 Tips to Get You Started

By Zhenya S

Wanting to work from home may not prove to be the answer for everybody. You need to be a very organized person, as well as self-motivated and self-disciplined. What about your family life? Can you separate your work from them for the required number of hours each day? Your family, friends and relatives will have to respect your hours of work as well as your workspace. If you are a social person with many friends and contacts, you may find it difficult to cope with isolation.

Advantages are many. No more getting ready for the day job, or travel time and traffic. Costs associated with commuting to and from work, expensive clothes, and bought lunches are all gone.

Opportunities to work from home include:

1) Customer service agent
There are many companies that outsource telephone calls to customer service. You would need good customer service skills and a pleasant telephone manner, as well as a computer, Internet access, and somewhere quiet to work.

2) Audio transcription
There are many people in various industries involving lectures, radio and television work, and interviews requiring typists to transcribe their audio recordings to text. You would need to have excellent grammar and English skills, as well as a typing speed of around 80 words per minute.

You can also visit to find work. Business owners outsourcing all manner of work post their projects here, and in return, people who have the required skills, place a bid to complete the project -- rather like eBay. Your bid may or may not get accepted. If you write articles, it helps if you have built up a name for yourself. Business owners will then recognize your work quality and potential, and accept your bid.

4) Article writing
There are millions of website and blog owners who outsource their article writing. They need these because the more articles they have, the better their website's search engine ranking, as well as their exposure to the general public together with subsequent sales. It takes time to produce articles, and time is something they haven't got. This is where you come in. You would be given the subject matter of the article required and a time frame in which to complete it.

5) Your own website
If you have got the inclination to write articles for others, why not write for yourself? This way you can work at your own pace, and the sales and earnings achieved can be all yours instead of someone else's. If you can write, then all that needs to be done is to learn how to build your own website. There are free tutorials and website builders on the Internet to help you. You can then monetize all your web pages that contain your own articles and work from home for yourself instead of somebody else.

To learn how to work from home and make a full time living creating an online business for profit, visit for more information.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety. The author's name, bio and website link must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

6 Tips For Your Internet Work From Home Business

By Jeff Casmer

For many people, their dream job is one where they have some if not total control over their lives. This usually means no boss hovering over them, no strict time table to abide by and the potential to make enough money to meet all their financial needs. For a long while this seemed like an impossible dream, but now folks can get their dream jobs and life style by starting an internet work from home business. To make this dream easier to achieve consider the following tips.

1. Research products and services that people are currently investing in and have some longevity Because people are more comfortable with purchasing online, new products are surfacing the web every day. This can make finding reliable and profitable products to offer overwhelming. To make the task easier look in forums and consumer review sites to see what people are willing to pay for within your niche. You don't want to waste your time promoting a product t that no one wants to buy or is outdated. Do doing the research is essential. It also makes it easier when developing products for your internet work from home business.

2. Get your family's support
In order to make any dream a reality, you need support. If your family is behind you they will not only support you but they also may be of service to you in your home business. Even just having an objective eye look over your website for spelling and grammar can make a lot of difference between making and losing a sale.

3. Treat your home business like any other job
Being in the comfort of your own can be distracting, which is why so many people don't work hard enough on their internet work from home business. But realizing that you no longer have a boss, and that all major and minor decisions and tasks or up to you, may help you to focus on your internet work from home business. Its like any other job if you don't do your work you wont earn your paycheck. The upside is knowing that when you do achieve your goals, its all because of you.

4. Don't overwork
The flipside of not working hard enough is overworking. This is very common for home business owners. Building in breaks and scheduling quitting times will help you to avoid unnecessary mistakes that can be made when you are tired and losing focus.

5. Educate yourself
I cant stress enough the importance of learning the skills required to succeed. Keep up to date with current methods of promoting and furthering your internet home business. The internet changes at a fast pace and what worked last month may be out of date now. Educate yourself by reading books, forums, articles and talking one on one with others to find out the latest tips and resources for your internet work from home business.

6. Don't rush
The internet may be a fast paced business vehicle but building a successful internet work from home business is a slow process. Don't worry if you feel like you're not exactly where you want to be. Its more important to take your time and build a business that will last then to rush and create a fly-by-night internet business. Most successful web business owners took the time to research and develop a business that truly works and this can take months or even a couple of years so don't rush the process of success.

Starting an internet business is a great way to create that in control life that so many of us want. Use the tips to help you turn your dream into a reality.

Jeff Casmer is a leading legitimate work at home expert and is a work from home business owner. His "Top Ranked" Legitimate Work at Home Job Directory gives you all the information you need to Work at Home in the 21st century.

Earn Money Typing? Here's How I Earn Money Typing From Home

By Justin Bradford

Earn money typing, or struggle financially. Which would you choose?
The whole seems to be entering recession, the economy is suffering a serious downturn, unemployment is widespread, and money is tight. If you've already got a six figure income then I'm sure you won't be affected, but if you're unemployed or working a minimum wage job then I'll bet you're feeling the pinch. With Christmas coming, this whole financial disaster couldn't have come at a worse time.

But don't despair, there's light at the end of the tunnel. I know how you feel, because I went through the same thing, barely existing from paycheck to paycheck, always paying bills late because I couldn't afford to pay them on time, and living on a 'student' diet of pasta and other cheap stuff. So how did I manage to turn things around and what do I do to make money? I earn money typing from home.

I came across a program called Personal Computer Training Institute - it offers a training course where you're taught how to make money typing online. I have to admit, I found it expensive at the time (in fact I had to borrow the money from my parents to take the course). The main reason I signed up was because they guaranteed that I would be working by the time I had finished taking the online video course (it took me about 3-4 days).

And they were as good as their word; I was able to start working immediately. Personal Computer Training Institute's course trains you as a web-processing specialist. You make money typing articles and advertisements etc for online companies (everything is explained to you on the course). They have a great reputation, with many happy graduates earning as much as six figures online, and I had earned back the join up fee within a week of getting started.

If you would like the freedom of working from home, or would like some extra income, you could learn how to earn money typing with PCTI's online video course. If you're even half as successful as I was (and believe me, I'm just an ordinary guy) then you'll probably be very happy with the results.

If you are interested in doing the same short training course I did to become a Web Processing Specialist, then you should check out this comprehensive review of Personal Computer Training Institute.

To read actual customer feedback and find out how to get a whopping 50% off this course (for a limited time only), visit today.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ideas For Finding a Home Based Income Opportunity You Love

By Teresa Tackett

Is your dream to work from home, but you just don't know what to do? I will give you some ideas for finding a home based income opportunity that will help you decide just what it is that would work for you. It's really not that hard if you consider the information I will give you in this article!

Before you go any further, you need to answer this question: Are you motivated and self driven? If so, you can succeed with your own business. You must be willing to work and be able to do what must be done without supervision. Now, if you have decided you can handle being in control, read on!

The most common way to find ideas for a home based income opportunity is by using your hobbies and interests as a basis for your choice. Whether you like making jewelry, tinkering with old cars, cooking, children, photography - you can start a home business from just about anything.

Let me give you some examples to get your imagination firing. If you love cooking, you might consider starting a catering business. Do you tinker with cars? Consider starting a detail shop or window tinting business. Make jewelry? Hand made jewelry is a hot commodity online - people love items that are unique.

Would you rather work online? Many people have found a home based income opportunity online. From affiliate programs (which are the most popular way to get started), to blogging, freelance writing and online surveys, there is something for everyone. Medical coding and bookkeeping are some other popular home business choices.

These are just a few ideas to help you decide on what you would like to do. Even if you aren't experienced in certain fields, there are plenty of online guides and courses that will help you find the home based income opportunity of your dreams. Need more help? Visit the links below!

For more information, resources, tips and ideas on finding the best home based income opportunity for you, visit Simply Make Money from Home. You can also visit our blog, Legitimate Money from Home, for more home business income opportunities.

Article Source:

Email Processing - What is Email Processing? Is This Another Scam?

By Leva Duell

Email processing appeals to people who are looking for typing work and want to make money working from home with their computer.

The email processing scams comes in several variations. They are similar to envelope stuffing scams because you get paid when placing ads and selling the same scam to others.

The promises:

• After paying an administrative fee, you'll receive a training kit and you can become an email processor processing emails from home.

• You will get paid $5 to $50 for each email you process.

• You can process as many emails as you want and work when you want to.

• You get paid immediately after each email you process.

The warning signs:

• You have to pay a fee to get work. Some companies may need help with sending out emails but they won't charge money for training materials.

• They promise that they will pay $5.00 - $50.00 for each email you process. Doesn't that sound like a lot of money to cut and paste responses in emails? Companies who need help with responding to emails may look for a secretarial service or a virtual assistant but they won't pay that kind of money per email you send out.

What you will get or what won't you get?
How will you get paid?
What kind of email messages do you process when you become an email processor?
How will you be processing emails?

• You will not get paid for each email you sent out. You only get paid when you sell the same email processing scam to someone else.

• You will get an information kit with instructions to send the same ad to others and ask them to send you a fee. You can send that ad by email or newsletters or post ads in newsgroups and Web forums.

• When someone clicks on your advertisement and buys the email processing information from you, they (the buyer - not the company) will pay you through Paypal. Upon payment, you will receive an email from Paypal with the purchase information that will indicate what product your buyer purchased. You will look up the reply you need to send for the product purchase in your training materials. You cut and paste that reply into the email and send it to the buyer.

Ask yourself this question: Would a legitimate company pay that kind of money to send emails where you just copy and paste a message into the emails?

Do you think that merchants sit at their computer or have work at home people sit at their computer all day so they can respond instantly to purchases? This is not how it works.

Merchants set up autoresponders to respond to purchases send email messages automatically.
When people pay through Paypal or a shopping cart, the process is completely automated. The shopping cart automatically verifies that the credit card or Paypal payment is valid. After payment approval, the system automatically generates a thank you page and an email message.
This page can include any information they want and can be different for each product they sell. This page can provide a link where buyers can automatically download the information, ebook, or software they purchased. It can even include a form asking for your buyer's name and email address to put them automatically in a database and autoresponder that can send automated follow-up messages.

So, why would those email processing companies pay you to send email messages manually when autoresponders and other software can do this automatically and can do it faster than you can? Why would a company pay you that much for email processing and for copying and pasting messages they can set up and send easily and inexpensively themselves with autoresponders?
The answer? They don't pay you for sending out messages. They are making money from selling you a worthless training manual.

You expect to get work and get paid for email processing work. Instead, they will instruct you to place ads and spam other people with the same useless information. They make easy money from people like you who are looking to find work from home with their computer.

Ads for email processors are misleading. Don't fall for the work at home email processing scam! You will be disappointed. You don't want to make money by spamming others.

Looking for legitimate typing work from home? Find out how to provide secretarial services and typing services from home. Visit

Article Source:

Eight Things to Consider Before Joining a Home Business

By Kelly Araneda

With all the hype and unbelievable claims out there, it's tough to know if there really are any legitimate home businesses that actually produce the results they say they can. Nobody wants to feel like a "sucker" and get into something that turns out to be nothing more than a scam.

So, here are just a few things you'll want to consider when choosing a home business. Over my years in this industry, I have come to learn that these things are really most important when deciding if a company is really worth your time and effort.

First, you want to make sure that you're dealing with honest, ethical, and capable people. You may have the best idea and the best business plan, but if it is poorly executed or mismanaged, then your idea will never truly manifest.

Second, it needs to be a REAL business. There are lots of online 'programs' out there where you can shuffle money around in various ways that are supposedly "legal", but I would strongly encourage you not to get involved with those. Any program that promotes itself as being "safe and legal" may not have a legitimate business behind it.

You need real products and services that provide real value to the marketplace and have a proven success record.

Third, along those same lines, you need a business that is customer driven, not distributor driven. A business that is built solely around acquiring distributors that are required to buy product to earn commissions is very weak and will not last long term. It's
true customers that make any business thrive.

Fourth, you need an effective marketing plan. Even Wal-Mart would fizzle away if nobody knew about it! And these days, home business owners want an alternative to the "old school" MLM models that have so many of you absolutely burned out on home business. If you're sick and tired of haggling your friends and family to buy your pills or join your business, then you may find this opportunity extremely refreshing indeed!

Fifth, it needs to be "McDonalds-easy" for the average person. In other words, the average Joe, with no real experience or skills set, should be able to plug in and be successful almost immediately. If you need lots of money, extensive training, or a life's worth of related experience to do well, then the business is not going to be appropriate for the average opportunity seeker, and will only benefit a very select few. You want a business that is plug-and-go ready for the masses, complete with corporate help and support right from day one.

Sixth, you need solid infrastructure to support massive growth. Many companies fail because they simply cannot handle growth fast enough to satisfy the customer base, and as a result end up collapsing under their own weight. Check to see if the company you are considering is equipped with shipping and fulfillment centers that are large enough to handle both present and future growth. You also want to make sure that the inner workings of the company includes solid manufacturing processes, reliable sources for product ingredients, and a solid financial profile.

Seventh, the compensation plan needs to provide for upfront cash flow so that you can get yourself in profit as quickly as possible. But it also needs to provide that all important back end residual so you can eventually step back to fulfill your dreams and enjoy life.

And finally, the eighth thing to consider as you join a business is this: Does the company give back? Do they use their successful business to propel others into success as well? Do they benefit the community or world at large? And do they allow you to be a part of it?

Remember, what goes around comes around. A company that is out there doing good for others, is not only improving life for all of us, but is also more likely to see continued success.


Article Source:

Extra Income From Home - Making $2000 a Week

By Terry Hart

Let's say you would like to make $2000 dollars a week as extra income in your spare time and lets say you would be willing to do what it took to achieve this. This article will explore this scenario and delve into what exactly you will be doing to make that sort of extra income and how it can come about.

It is very hard to do a full days work at a job, then find the time, energy and effort to do not much more than fall onto the sofa and reach for the remote control. Getting motivated is hard and that is EXACTLY why you should do it. Because it is hard for everybody. It is hard to walk that extra few feet but the ones that do, are able to do something special. They get access to things that very few people have the motivation and energy to do and therefore there is no competition. Interesting huh?

To make some extra income online, indeed to make $2000 dollars a week in your spare time, you may find that motivating yourself to work is the hardest part. When you are making money you become complacent and when you are not making money you become disappointed, so with ones attitude, often there is no winning.

But for those that can and are willing... one example as one idea is to write. You could easily make $2000 a week writing short articles very similar to this one. You can get around $5 to $10 dollars for a short article and when you get good at it you can make $50 to $100 dollars per hour, so realistically if you can find say 20 to 30 hours a week in your spare time, you can make $2000 a week. You can find this type of work on elance.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next hour, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too, read about Martin Thomas in the link below. When I joined I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized what this was. I was smiling from ear to ear and you will too.

Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the easy corporate money program.

Article Source:

Home Business Tips - The Most Important Tip - Be Yourself

By Steven Wagenheim

This may be the strangest article on home business tips that I have ever written. I assure you, however, it is probably the most important one I have ever written as well. You will find, as you go along in your business that if you are NOT yourself, many things will happen that are going to be less than pleasant. I am speaking from the painful experience of trying to please everybody. Guess what? You can't do it, so don't try. I could probably leave this article at that statement, but I won't. So allow me to elaborate with some examples.

I have always been a marketer with high ideals. One of my ideals is not promoting anything that I don't fully believe in. That hasn't changed. However, something happened recently that made me realize that it doesn't matter what I think of the product or service. Not everybody is going to feel the same way about it and in their eyes, it's going to be a reflection on me. This happened recently with a product I promoted and the person wrote back to me saying he was disappointed in me for promoting this because he thought the person who created it was, well, let's just say he didn't have nice words for him.

Another area where I try to help people is by giving them specials on some of my products from time to time because I know that money is tight and not everybody can afford things. Well, you'd think that everybody would love when I do this. Not so. I get quite a few emails from people telling me that when I run specials, I devalue my product and that I shouldn't do that. So once again, by trying to help others, I am making some people quite angry.

And then of course there is the other end of the spectrum where when people write to me and ask me for my products for free because they can't afford them, and I reply that it's not fair to the people who DID buy them, I get quite an earful about that too. I am told that all I care about is the money and I'm no better than all the other crooks out there.

Point is, if you try to make everybody happy in your business, you will go crazy because it can't be done. So just be yourself. Some people will like you and some people won't.

That's pretty much the way life is.

To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim

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