Thursday, October 2, 2008

Home Business Tips - The Most Important Tip - Be Yourself

By Steven Wagenheim

This may be the strangest article on home business tips that I have ever written. I assure you, however, it is probably the most important one I have ever written as well. You will find, as you go along in your business that if you are NOT yourself, many things will happen that are going to be less than pleasant. I am speaking from the painful experience of trying to please everybody. Guess what? You can't do it, so don't try. I could probably leave this article at that statement, but I won't. So allow me to elaborate with some examples.

I have always been a marketer with high ideals. One of my ideals is not promoting anything that I don't fully believe in. That hasn't changed. However, something happened recently that made me realize that it doesn't matter what I think of the product or service. Not everybody is going to feel the same way about it and in their eyes, it's going to be a reflection on me. This happened recently with a product I promoted and the person wrote back to me saying he was disappointed in me for promoting this because he thought the person who created it was, well, let's just say he didn't have nice words for him.

Another area where I try to help people is by giving them specials on some of my products from time to time because I know that money is tight and not everybody can afford things. Well, you'd think that everybody would love when I do this. Not so. I get quite a few emails from people telling me that when I run specials, I devalue my product and that I shouldn't do that. So once again, by trying to help others, I am making some people quite angry.

And then of course there is the other end of the spectrum where when people write to me and ask me for my products for free because they can't afford them, and I reply that it's not fair to the people who DID buy them, I get quite an earful about that too. I am told that all I care about is the money and I'm no better than all the other crooks out there.

Point is, if you try to make everybody happy in your business, you will go crazy because it can't be done. So just be yourself. Some people will like you and some people won't.

That's pretty much the way life is.

To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim

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