Thursday, December 11, 2008

How to Make Money From Home Without Going Broke - The Dirty Little Secret About Home Based Business

By Ian Ross Hollander

Want to know the BIGGEST reason why most people fail from home? It's NOT too little "how to" information, it's actually too MUCH! I have YET to meet someone who wasn't smart enough to succeed from home, or shrewd enough on their own to make buckets of money with their good, original ideas. What I DO see a lot of is this.....

Ideas that are RUINED by information overload.

Yes, it's true. Want to know what to do with your good idea? Put it to work - learn, implement, execute, mess UP, fall down and get back up. Process learning is the undeniable KEY to big time profits and success. Want to know what NOT to do? Take your idea and POLLUTE it with a million different conflicting techniques, tactics and strategies that OTHER people are recommending you try...ONLY because they've got some sort of magical solution to sell you if you do..:-)

Want the truth?
I've been there too....I'll talk to someone who tells me that this "new traffic strategy" is going to be the next golden goose ready to lay a massive egg of windfall profits, and I'll find myself WASTING my valuable time trying to figure out how to implement another fly by night, nefarious, nonsensical idea into my already smoothly running momentum machine.

It's ALWAYS a waste of time, and while there's NOTHING wrong with learning new things ever, if it distracts you from getting where you need to be, it's rarely time worth spent. And that my friends, is the truth for all of us..:-)

What We Have: A Brand Spanking New, 28 page Power Packed PDF on Advanced Article and Affiliate Marketing Strategies You Won't Find Anywhere Else for Free.

Who it's For: ANYONE who wants, needs and CRAVES More FREE Traffic, easier sales, better copy and more push button, autopilot online profits.

How To Get It: Simply Click the Article Marketing Manifesto Link and Download it for FREE anytime between now and Christmas Day 2008.

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